Saturday, October 30, 2010

Is Gulf Seafood Safe To Eat? Feds? New Test Says Yes, Not Convincingly

More than 9,000 square miles of U.S. federal Gulf waters are closed to commercial and recreational fishing today thanks to the BP oil spill. However, government offices today claimed that seafood from the Gulf is basically safe to consume, based on the results from their latest battery of tests. You gonna eat that? Companies responsible for the environmental disaster spilled about 5 million barrels of oil, accidentally. They poured about 2 million gallons of oil dispersants into the Gulf waters on purpose, though. The dispersants were supposed to break up the wildlife-choking slicks into droplets that could be more easily digested by oil-eating bacteria. Or at least, they'd make the water look more like water and less like tar...


AnnaLynne McCord Anne Marie Kortright April Scott

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