Saturday, October 30, 2010

Cuddle up with your very own angry bird

After a life of knocking down fortresses and shattering glass, this 8 Inch angry bird is ready to relax comfortably in your home.

Want to show your love for Angry Birds, or perhaps just console one of the avian kamikaze fighters who recently had their eggs stolen by cowardly green pigs?  Well then, my dear Android Central reader, you can.  I can't promise he won't attempt to destroy your house in search of golden eggs, so don't hold us responsible if your house is reduced to rubble.

The holiday season is right around the corner, and this would make a great gift for any Angry Birds fan.  Although the birds won't ship until sometime in December, we have no idea how many preorders they're taking.  So head on over to ToyWiz or and order yours for $14.99 while supplies last.

Slingshot and precariously built wooden fortress sold separately.

Posted originally at Android Central

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