Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Publisher: Apple Banned My Android Mag App

Apple banned an iPhone magazine app because it contained content related to using Android phones, according to the app’s creator.
Apple refused to approve the magazine Android Magasinet, a publication about Google’s Android OS, according to Brian Dixen, managing editor of Danish magazine publisher Mediaprovider.
Dixen said when he asked why, an Apple executive replied, “You know… [...]

Source: http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2010/11/android-app-apple/

Paulina Rubio Paz Vega Penélope Cruz


  1. Apple banned an iPhone magazine app because it contained content related to using Android phones, according to the app’s creator. it great story. installerex custom installers

  2. Apple banned an iPhone magazine app because it contained content related to using Android phones, according to the app’s creator. it is great post. installerex
