Tuesday, September 21, 2010

VLC For iPad Heralds A New, Friendlier App Store Era

Good news for people who think outside the iTunes box, multimedia player VLC hit the Apple store today, meaning you can now play AVI and Quicktime movies without having to convert them to iTunes first, and also meaning that the app will presumably be taking at least some eyeball traffic away from the iTunes store. Does this generous decision on behalf of Apple mean that the kinder gentle App store is here to stay?

Yes, the same app store that approved Google Voice, and Opera is now giving the thumbs up on an open source multimedia player, an odd reversal from the strict polices of the app store of yesteryear. On September 9th Apple released a series of guidelines making clear what is and isn't allowed ("no fart apps"), and told developers it would consider apps built using whatever languages they wanted including Flash and Java. And it looks like it's keeping it's word.

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