Tuesday, November 30, 2010
TFT Accoustics TFTA-1101-V1 Earbuds Review
Guaranteed Awesome Gifts For The Bookworm [Giftguide2010]

Erik Buell Racing Eyes 450cc Off-Road Machine

In an interview with Alan Cathcart, Erik Buell talks to the famed motorcycle journalist about his departure from Harley-Davidson, and what the future holds for Erik Buell and Erik Buell Racing. Perhaps one of the most interesting things to come out of the pair’s conversation (read a translated version at Motonline) is the fact that in late-2006/early-2007 Harley-Davidson killed off a project to build a 450cc Buell off-road machine. Still believing that there is a ...
WidgetBlock for Chrome blocks annoying social widgets, makes Web faster
The Web is all about being social these days. When you take this "social" buzzword and reduce it down to brass tacks, you often end up with a bunch of widgets, buttons and other annoyances crowded around the content you're actually interested in reading.
WidgetBlock is a Chrome add-on that makes short work of a whole bunch of common widgets and buttons for social services. In one fell swoop it eradicates the presence of Facebook, Twitter, Meebo, Digg, Buzz, and a ton of other omnipresent Web 2.0 services. Of course, if you happen to like some of these you can switch them on selectively.
When I tested WidgetBlock, it made the site I was trying to load noticeably faster (about two or three times as fast, in fact). It also makes the Web feel a tad "cleaner", at least for me. Definitely recommended.
Filed under: Google
WidgetBlock for Chrome blocks annoying social widgets, makes Web faster originally appeared on Download Squad on Fri, 26 Nov 2010 10:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Publisher: Apple Banned My Android Mag App
Apple refused to approve the magazine Android Magasinet, a publication about Google’s Android OS, according to Brian Dixen, managing editor of Danish magazine publisher Mediaprovider.
Dixen said when he asked why, an Apple executive replied, “You know… [...]
Bell Mobility launches Netgear Turbo Hub, sends juicy HSPA+ to your WiFi and Ethernet gear

Bell Mobility launches Netgear Turbo Hub, sends juicy HSPA+ to your WiFi and Ethernet gear originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 30 Nov 2010 16:58:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Jing, the all-in-one screen capture and recording tool from TechSmith, reviewed
Jing, at its most basic, lets you take perfect screenshots. You can drag a selection box around the target area, or let it snap to the current window. It's not as customizable as Snagit or Screenpresso, but it's definitely good enough.
When you probe a little deeper, however, Jing becomes a lot more interesting. Instead of taking a screenshot of a selected area or window, you can hit the 'Capture video' button and immediately start recording.
But it gets even better! Jing can automatically upload your screenshots and videos to TechSmith's site.
Continue reading Jing, the all-in-one screen capture and recording tool from TechSmith, reviewed
Jing, the all-in-one screen capture and recording tool from TechSmith, reviewed originally appeared on Download Squad on Tue, 23 Nov 2010 13:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
Prank Loved Ones This Chrimbo With the Pet Petter Gift Box [Pranks]

Sony ships 4.1 million PlayStation Move controllers to retailers (updated)
Update: Our brothers at Joystiq have reached out to Sony and confirmed that these numbers represent shipped units, not consumer sales. Here's Joystiq's exact wording on the (seemingly purposefully) confusing situation:
A Sony representative explained that the 4.1 million actually represents Move units shipped to stores, adding "While we don't disclose our exact sell-through number, the key is that our retailers continue to ask for more Move units and are taking every unit we can supply them with based on their sales." Which, you know, would have been a cool thing to put in that press release, we think.
Update 2: We've also confirmed with Sony that the sales numbers are in reference to retailers, not consumers, and learned that more than 75 percent of the sales in the US are bundles -- meaning new console sales or software groupings.
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Sony ships 4.1 million PlayStation Move controllers to retailers (updated) originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 30 Nov 2010 11:37:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Your guide to Firefox 4 and its shiny new features

Unlike Firefox 3.5 (private browsing) and 3.6 (personas!!), version 4 has a significant number of new in-your-face features -- features that will take a little getting used to... like tabs-on-top! There are tons of neat little additions that improve your surfing experience, too. Many of these will exist in the background, under the hood, but it still helps to know exactly what your new browser is capable of; did you know that Firefox 4 is as fast as Chrome, for example?
This guide will fully prepare you for Firefox 4. It will teach you how to work with the big-hitters Panorama and Sync, and also introduce some other features you might not have heard about. If you're already using the Beta, this guide might teach you some new tricks. If you're holding off until the official launch in 2011, that's fine too -- bookmark this page and check back later!
You might find, after reading this guide, that you suddenly feel compelled to try out Firefox 4. It really is rather good.
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Filed under: Features, Mozilla, Browsers
Your guide to Firefox 4 and its shiny new features originally appeared on Download Squad on Thu, 11 Nov 2010 13:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Thandie Newton The Avatars of Second Life The Pussycat Dolls
Standing Cloud Raises $3 Million, Fends Off Font Snobs With New Logo

Protect Your iPad With iShine Microfiber Sleeve
Google Apps accounts finally get full range of Google services
As a long-time Google Apps user, I was overjoyed when I could finally start using Google Reader with my Apps account a few months ago. And now, Google has announced that all Google services are to become available for Google Apps users over the coming months.
After the jump you can watch a beautiful video explaining the change, but in a nutshell, you will now be able to access over 60 Google services via your Apps account, including Blogger, Picasa Web Albums, and more.
The change will be rolling out over the next few months, and administrators would be able to control which of their users could access what services.
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Filed under: Google
Google Apps accounts finally get full range of Google services originally appeared on Download Squad on Fri, 19 Nov 2010 06:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Ecclestone blames Mosley for new teams? troubles | 2010 F1 season
IMDb for Windows Phone 7 reviewed, very yellow indeed (video)

In the video review (after the break), I take a quick stroll through each of IMDb's main features. If you set your location, you can see the movie screening times at local cinemas. Like the IMDb website, the app's prime focus is on exploring the details of movies (and TV shows), and the app certainly doesn't disappoint in that regard; the app might actually be better than the website! You can watch trailers, browse cast photos, check out related news -- it's fast, easy and pretty.
In many ways the app mirrors the website. You can browse the top 250 films, the bottom 100, the winners of the Best Picture Academy Award, this week's top movies and TV shows... and so on. It's so good in fact that, from now on, I'll be using the app instead of the website.
The only flaw with IMDb for WP7 is that you can't book cinema tickets directly. As far as I'm aware, not even Flixster for WP7 -- IMDb's chief rival -- offers this functionality. Needless to say, the first movie app to offer such a feature will decimate the competition.
The video review is after the break.
Continue reading IMDb for Windows Phone 7 reviewed, very yellow indeed (video)
Filed under: Video, Windows Mobile
IMDb for Windows Phone 7 reviewed, very yellow indeed (video) originally appeared on Download Squad on Thu, 18 Nov 2010 12:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
Verizon sucks at Photoshop: confuses the Droid X for an iPhone
[Thanks, Chris]
Verizon sucks at Photoshop: confuses the Droid X for an iPhone originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 30 Nov 2010 07:09:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Saunavihta Vortex is a creepy physics Time Waster
First off, Saunavihta Vortex is pretty creepy. I mean, it's not really kid-friendly. But having said that, it's can be lots of fun for teens and adults.
Basically, you control the fate of a ragdoll. You need to somehow get the ragdoll into a flaming pit. When the ragdoll gets there and stays there for three seconds, you pass the level.
To get the doll there, you need to launch, batter and roll it across the level in all sorts of creative ways. The level is composed of contraptions built of white and black bars. The white bars disappear when you click them. So if you have a "swing" that stays put thanks to a delicate balance between a white bar and a black bar, as soon as the white bar goes, that swing is going to move.
You can zoom out using SPACE to see more of the level; by default, you're zoomed in quite close. The closer zoom level is useful for getting the timing right when it's important, and zooming out helps you figure out the general direction.
A beautiful game with a unique atmosphere.
Filed under: Fun, Games, Time-Wasters
Saunavihta Vortex is a creepy physics Time Waster originally appeared on Download Squad on Thu, 25 Nov 2010 13:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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BearExtender PC USB Wireless Adapter Review
Comcast, Level 3 Communications square off over video streaming, network neutrality principles
Comcast, Level 3 Communications square off over video streaming, network neutrality principles originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 29 Nov 2010 20:23:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Ecclestone blames Mosley for new teams? troubles | 2010 F1 season
Jolt Online brings Playboy To Facebook ? Don?t Tell Your Girlfriend

Skinnyo helps you lose weight using peer pressure and challenges
For many people, the holidays mean food. Nom nom nom, chomp chomp chomp, and suddenly you've gained a few extra pounds. Skinnyo is a social website that tries to help you stage a preemptive strike in your struggle against chubbiness. At the core of the site is the weight graph, somewhat similar to the graph used on FitDay. Once you create an account, you can join all sorts of "challenges," or you can even start your own challenge.
Some of the public challenges at the time of writing are "Christmas Countdown," "Let's make the world 20 lbs lighter," and "2kgs in 4 weeks" (the loser buys the winner an HTC Desire HD!).
A challenge can have a limited number of participants, and it can also be private. The profile page, shown in the screenshot above, lets you micro-blog your way to a skinnier bod. Each update has your latest weight trend prominently displayed right next to your image.
Most of the people I know don't even like knowing their own weight, much less making it a public announcement. But if you're socially-inclined, Skinnyo is one interesting way to lose some weight.
Filed under: Utilities
Skinnyo helps you lose weight using peer pressure and challenges originally appeared on Download Squad on Fri, 26 Nov 2010 14:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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The 2012 MotoGP Revolution: Part 1 - The Rules, The Bikes And The Teams
2012 is the year that everything will change. A bafflingly large number of people think this is because of the approach of Planet X, bringing destruction upon the world as foretold by the end of the Mayan calendar (which rather inconveniently now appears to end in 2220), but for motorcycle racing fans, something even more momentous than the end of civilization is on the cards. For 2012 is the year that sees the return of 1000cc motorcycles to MotoGP.
Those who were hoping to see the return of the glorious RC211V and its soul-churning V5 bellow will be sorely disappointed, however. MotoGP may be allowing the return of the liter bikes, but a couple of significant rule changes mean that the face of the grid will be altered irrevocably. There'll be no more barking V5 Hondas, nor howling Aprilia RS3 Cubes, nor will the overly optimistic and sadly failed WCM Blata V6 project be revived. The rules have been written such that the bikes will have four cylinders, use a four-stroke combustion cycle, and are likely to come in well under 1000cc capacity.
The lack of diversity in MotoGP from 2012 onwards is down to the new rule package due to come into effect. So let us first take a look at the rules laid down for MotoGP, before going on to study the reasoning behind those rules, and the effects they will have on the grid.